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Letter from the Editor: Change is hard

Sarah Tucker

By: Sarah Tucker

Wow, what a hard and emotional summer this has been. First of all, I would like to offer a sincere and heart-felt thank you to each and every one of our readers who reached out over the last few months to offer their sympathy on the loss of my mother. Please know, that while I couldn't respond to all of them, each one was read and appreciated greatly. Your love and support was felt immensely.

Second, I spent many hours over the last few months thinking and praying about the future of Cool Tears. While the industry is booming, I needed to take the time to really evaluate the direction of the magazine both personally and professionally. I have come to the conclusion that a monthly magazine is simply not feasible due to several issues and will be reverting back to the bi-monthly format that was utilized when the magazine was founded.

I look forward to being able to include more in-depth and high quality articles in each magazine and as always would love to hear from you, the reader, on articles you would be interested in reading.

Thank you for your continued support of Cool Tears Magazine and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Do you have a great story you'd like to see featured in Cool Tears? We are constantly seeking great material so be sure to email with your story idea!

Until next time…enjoy every sunrise!

1 Comment

Herbert Clark
Aug 23, 2020

I don’t normally comment in forums

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