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  • Lisa-Editor

Oops, I Forgot to Publish the Magazine…

You know that moment when you're absolutely certain you’ve got everything handled? Yeah, that was me last Friday. I confidently sent out an email blast to all of you, proclaiming that the latest issue of the magazine was live on the site. Then we hit the road for our month-long camping adventure, feeling accomplished.

Except... one tiny detail: I didn’t actually click the “publish” button.

Yep, I drove off into the sunset with a whole bunch of you scratching your heads, wondering where the magazine was hiding. I was blissfully unaware that while I was setting up camp, the magazine was still chilling in draft mode. One week later, I have internet and decided to “check on things.”

But hey, the good news is, it’s live now! So if you were wondering where all that new content was hiding, go check it out. And thanks for sticking with me, even when I get a little “off-grid” in more ways than one! 😅


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